Archive for the ‘as leader’ Category

Defining and demystifying coaching

By Jessica Jarvis The term ‘coaching’ has come to refer to many different activities. Although this guide focuses on the use of coaching in organizational settings, it can be used in many other situations. Its early use in the business world often carried a remedial connotation – people were coached because they were under performing […]

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Procrastination most often affects our idea people. As they creatively come up with and play with ideas, employees make some valuable contributions and observations. They also can delay getting started by staying in the idea stage, still playing around. Mulling over ideas is only one of many reasons that employees procrastinate. For most, procrastination is […]

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7 THE BUSINESS HAT: WHERE IT ALL COMES TOGETHER As a professional in some discipline your perspective of the business of the organization was limited. You had knowledge of the purposes and objectives of your group but limited knowledge of the organization. As long as the organization was meeting its objectives there was not much […]

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Managers also often wear the high-anxiety hat. These tasks are performed without any joy and become a painful reminder of problems managers face. These are challenging tasks that test a manager’s competence to function when faced with critical decisions. They may not occur often but they define the manager’s character and involvement. Fortunately there are […]

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5 THE ACTION HAT: DOING THE WORK The action hat describes some of the real work of the manager. As a professional you have probably heard a lot about managers delegating. While managers do delegate many activities, there are others that require a full understanding and cannot be delegated. For the inexperienced manager these activities […]

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4. THE PEOPLE HAT: UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR The people hat involves gaining an understanding of human behavior. The uniqueness of people needs to be taken into account in developing plans and in making decisions that involve people. Managers very quickly find themselves in a position to make decisions that have current as well as future […]

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