Berikut tahapan praktis yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan On the job training. Manager atau pimpinan dalam hal ini berfungsi sebagai Trainer atau Coach. 1. Trainer and Trainee men setup sebuah Model Sharing Mental Membangun hubungan dengan Trainee. Mengidentifikasi tugas yang harus diajarkan . Mengecek Keahlian, Pengetahuan dan Pengalaman dari trainee Pertanyaan – pertanyaan yang mengajak dan […]
Posts Tagged ‘coach’
On The Job Training : Lima langkah Praktis One-on-One Training/Coaching
Posted by Yudha Argapratama on August 8th, 2011
Posted by Yudha Argapratama on October 24th, 2010
Share My share of the work may be limited, but the fact that it is work makes it precious. Helen Keller
What is Coaching ?
Posted by Yudha Argapratama on March 19th, 2008
Coaching is a one-on-one development process formally contracted between a coach and a management-level lient to help achieve goals related to professional development and/or business performance. Coaching typically focuses on helping the client to become more self-aware through the use of action learning methods. Some fine points about that definition should be given attention. • […]