16 Profil Kepribadian – MBTI

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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator™(MBTI) yang ditemukan Jung adalah sebuah alat tes untuk mengukur profil kepribadian seseorang. MBTI dirancang untuk menolong Anda untuk memahami dengan lebih baik minat dan gaya pengambilan keputusan Anda. MBTI merupakan instrumen yang dipakai secara meluas dalam konseling, organisasi bisnis dan keagamaan, dan lintas budaya.

MBTI berguna untuk mengenali perilaku Anda dalam memperoleh dan memproses informasi, mengambil keputusan, dan cara Anda berhubungan dengan dunia. MBTI membantu untuk mengenali rangkaian pilihan atau preferensi Anda. Pilihan-pilihan perilaku ini memberi pemahaman mendalam tentang gaya kepemimpinan, gaya kerja, dan gaya komunikasi Anda.

MBTI mengukur pilihan, bukan kecakapan, kemampuan atau pengembangan diri yang dicapai. MBTI bersifat deskriptif, bukan bersifat menentukan. MBTI didasari oleh orientasi kekal, bukan penekanan yang bersifat sementara.

Aplikasi Praktis

  • Memahami diri sendiri
  • Memahami orang lain
  • Menghargai perbedaan
  • Pengembangan diri
  • Memilih karir
  • Team building
  • Penyelesaian konflik
  • Memperbaiki komunikasi

MBTI tidak Mengukur

  • Gangguan kejiwaan
  • Abnormalitas
  • Emosi
  • Trauma
  • Daya Belajar
  • Tingkat kedewasaan
  • Penyakit
  • Intelegensia

MBTI Mengukur Preferensi

  • Bagian keberadaan kita
  • Tidak ada benar salah
  • Tidak ada kurang – lebih baik






Dari delapan preferensi di atas akan didapat 16 Kombinasi kepribadian yaitu :

Protectors (SJ)

ESTJ – Overseer

ESFJ – Supporter

ISTJ – Examiner

ISFJ – Defender

Creators (SP)

ESTP – Persuader

ESFP – Entertainer

ISTP – Craftsman

ISFP – Artist

Intellectuals (NT)

ENTJ – Chief

ENTP – Originator

INTJ – Strategist

INTP – Engineer

Visionaries (NF)

ENFJ – Mentor

ENFP – Advocate

INFJ – Confidant

INFP – Dreamer

Artikel-artikel selanjutnya akan membahas informasi detil dari setiap profil di atas.

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10 Tips When Facilitating Discussion

Your role during a group discussion is to facilitate the flow of comments from participants. Although it is not necessary to interject your comments after each participant speaks, periodically assisting the group with their contributions can be helpful. Here is a ten-point facilitation menu to use as you lead group discussions.

1. Paraphrase what a participant has said so that he or she feels understood and so that the other participants can hear a concise summary of what has been said.

So what you’re saying is that you have to be very careful about asking applicants where they live during an interview because it might suggest some type of racial or ethnic affiliation.

2. Check your understanding of a participant’s statement or ask the participant to clarify what he or she is saying.

Are you saying that this plan is not realistic? I’m not sure that I understand exactly what you meant. Could you please run it by us again?

3. Compliment an interesting or insightful comment.

That’s a good point. I’m glad that you brought that to our attention.

4. Elaborate on a participant’s contribution to the discussion with examples, or suggest a new way to view the problem.

Your comments provide an interesting point from the employee’s perspective. It could also be useful to consider how a manager would view the same situation.

5. Energize a discussion by quickening the pace, using humor, or, if necessary, prodding the group for more contributions.

Here’s a challenge for you. For the next two minutes, let’s see how many ways you can think of to increase cooperation within your department.

6. Disagree (gently) with a participant’s comments to stimulate further discussion.

I can see where you are coming from, but I’m not sure that what you are describing is always the case. Has anyone else had an experience that is different from Jim’s?

7. Mediate differences of opinion between participants and relieve any tensions that may be brewing.

I think that Susan and Mary are not really disagreeing with each other but are just bringing out two different sides of this issue.

8. Pull together ideas, showing their relationship to each other.

As you can see from Dan’s and Jean’s comments, personal goal setting is very much a part of time management. You need to be able to establish goals for yourself on a daily basis in order to more effectively manage your time.

9. Change the group process by altering the method for obtaining participation or by having the group evaluate ideas that have been presented.

Let’s break into smaller groups and see whether you can come up with some typical customer objections to the products that were covered in the presentation this morning.

10. Summarize (and record, if desired) the major views of the group.

I have noted four major reasons that have come from our discussion as to why managers do not delegate: (1) lack of confidence, (2) fear of failure, (3) comfort in doing the task themselves, and (4) fear of being replaced.

Source : 101 Ways to Make Training Active, 2nd Ed. Mel Silberman.2005

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10 Assignments to Give Learning Partners

One of the most effective and efficient ways to promote active training is to divide a class into pairs and compose learning partnerships. It is hard to get left out in a pair. It is also hard to hide in one. Learning partnerships can be short term or long-term. Learning partners can undertake a wide variety of quick tasks or more time-consuming assignments, such as those in the list below.

1. Share your reactions to an assigned reading, an exercise, or a video (for example, “What were your reactions to the ways in which customers were entertained in the Fish video?”).

2. Discuss a short written document with each other (for example, “Please discuss the strategic plan you read before class and identify anything you thought was unclear”).

3. Practice a skill with each other (for example, “Please take a few minutes with your partner and practice giving constructive performance feedback to someone you supervise”).

4. Recap a lecture or demonstration together (for example, “With your partner, review the key points of the presentation we just heard from our guest speaker”).

5. Develop questions together to ask the facilitator (for example, “I would like each pair to create a question together about the software we just tried out”).

6. Analyze a case problem or exercise together (for example, “Take the next ten minutes and work together on the business ethics problem concerning conflicts of interest”).

7. Test each other (for example, “I would like each of you to take turns testing your partner’s product knowledge of each of the four new loan programs we are introducing next month”).

8. Respond to a question posed by the facilitator (for example, “Get together with your partner and come up with a joint answer to the first question in our discussion guide”).

9. Compare how you completed a task, such as a survey (for example, “Show your partner your scores on the EQ scale we just completed. See where you differ”).

10. Read each other’s written work (for example, “Show your partner the functional resume you prepared for this session and ask for feedback”).

Source : 101 Ways to Make Training Active, 2nd Ed. Mel Silberman.2005

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10 Questions for Obtaining Participant Expectations

Ada bermacam pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dapat anda lakukan untuk menemukan kebutuhan, harapan-harapan, dan perhatian dari peserta training sehingga anda dapat mencocokkan penyampaian training dengan tepat.

Anda dapat memperoleh jawab melalui diskusi terbuka, berkeliling ruangan, response cards, polling, panel-panel, game-game, dan seterusnya. Berikut bebrapa pertanyaan yang dapat anda gunakan :

1. Mengapa anda memilih training/program ini? Mengapa anda datang?

2. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan apa yang muncul tentang [topik/materi training] ini?

3. Apa masukan, informasi, atau ketrampilan-ketrampilan yang ingin Anda dapat dari program ini?

4. Apa masukan, informasi, atau ketrampilan-ketrampilan yang tidak anda perlukan atau anda inginkan?

5. Apa yang anda ingin hilangkan/kurangi dari program ini? sebutkan satu hal.

6. Apakah yang anda harapkan dari program ini? Apakah yang perhatian anda?

7. Apakah sasaran program ini sesuai dengan keinginan anda ?

8. Apa pengetahuan atau ketrampilan-ketrampilan yang Anda rasakan “ingin” anda miliki?

9. Apakah harapan-harapan Anda tentang program ini?

10. Apa yang sudah anda pelajari dari program sebelumnya tentang topik ini?

Source : 101 Ways to Make Training Active. Mel Silberman.2005

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Defining and demystifying coaching

By Jessica Jarvis

The term ‘coaching’ has come to refer to many different activities. Although this guide focuses on the use of coaching in organizational settings, it can be used in many other situations. Its early use in the business world often carried a remedial connotation – people were coached because they were under performing or their behavior was unsatisfactory.

These days, coaching is more usually seen as a means of developing people within an organization in order that they perform more effectively and reach their potential. Confusion exists about what exactly coaching is, and how it is different from other ‘helping behaviors’ such as counseling and mentoring. A variety of niche types of coaching have also developed as the term has been popularized – life coaching, skills coaching, health coaching, executive coaching, to name but a few. In part, this may have arisen as a result of some practitioners taking advantage of a popular new term and applying it to their general services. Consequently, coaching has suffered from a degree of mis perception and misrepresentation. To make things worse, people often use the terms interchangeably so that one person’s life coaching is another’s developmental mentoring. Many organizations use the terms to mean specific things in their own organizational contexts and others choose the terminology that seems most acceptable within their organization. The result is that the same definitions are being applied to a variety of terms. These problems around terminology are illustrated in the 2004 training and development survey results, where 81% of respondents agreed that ‘there is a great deal of confusion around what is meant by the term “coaching”.’

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Beberapa waktu lalu pernah diposting di Milis Trainers Club Indonesia tentang pengukuran dan evaluasi pelatihan. Pada posting tersebut mengambil Kerangka atau Metode yang dipopulerkan oleh Jack J Philips tentang 5 Level Evaluasi Training. Sebenarnya ada cukup banyak metode evaluasi pengukuran yang dipakai saat ini. Semuanya bertujuan untuk melaporkan keberhasilan program training dan program perbaikan kinerja. Beberapa metode berfokus pada kesuksesan secara Finansial, yang lain pada data non Finansial, serta ada juga yang menawarkan pendekatan yang seimbang dalam mengukur hasil dari suatu program.

Sebagai bahan untuk memperkaya wawasan kita, berikut beberapa metode Evaluasi & Pengukuran Training yang dipakai saat ini. Metode – metode ini dikutip dari buku THE ROI FIELD BOOK, Strategies for Implementing ROI in HR & Training (Patricia Phillips, Jack J Phillips, Ron Drew Stone, & Holly Burkett), 2007 :

  1. Benefit Cost Analysis

Mungkin proses/metode tertua untuk mengevaluasi pengeluaran suatu program adalah benefit cost analysis. Didasarkan pada kerangka teori ekonomi dan keuangan, maksud utama dari Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) adalah untuk memastikan organisasi mempertahankan level optimum dari efisiensi dalam alokasi sumber daya. Seperti penggunaan utamanya dalam ekonomi & keuangan, metode ini juga dipakai dalam pendidikan dan pelatihan.

2. Four-Level Framework dari Kirkpatrick

Kerangka yang paling umum dalam training dan evaluasinya adalah yang dikembangkan oleh Donald Kirkpatrick pada akhir 1950-an. Kerangka ini menggambarkan 4 level evaluasi :

    1. Level 1 : Reaction
    2. Level 2 : Learning
    3. Level 3 : Job Behavior
    4. Level 4 : Results

Banyak usaha yang berhasil dibangun pada konsep 4 level dari Kirkpatrick ini.

3. Five-Level ROI Framework dari Jack J Phillips

    Metode dari Jack Phillips ini merupakan metode yang paling luas digunakan untuk mengevaluasi program training dan program perbaikan kinerja. Philips menambahkan ROI (Return on Investment) sebagai level ke 5. Memperkenalkan bahwa untuk memindahkan level 4 ke level 5, pengukuran level 4 harus dikonversi ke nilai moneter (uang), seluruh biaya harus dicatat, keuntungan intangible harus diidentifikasi, dan keuntungan moneter dibandingkan dengan biaya. Karena itu, mengkombinasikan pendekatan Kirkpatrick dengan Benefit Cost Analysis untuk memastikan keseimbangan pengukuran dilaporkan.

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