The Apple Way Management Lessons : 7. Built The Cult (Jeffrey L Cruikshank) by Yudha Argapratama

Rangkaian Artikel yang saya posting secara berseri ini saya kutip dari Buku The Apple Way : 12 Management Lessons from the World’s Most Innovative Company karya Jeffrey L. Cruikshank. Banyak Point dan pelajaran tentang management yang bisa kita ambil dari Perusahaan paling inovatif di Dunia ini. Mari kita belajar dari Keberhasilan dan Kegagalannya. Selamat Menikmati.

Let’s pull together and summarize what might be called our lessons in cult building (and not cult building):

Bring the Jesuits around, and the rest of the church will follow.

You don’t have to get everybody to join the cult. You just have to get the smartest, most connected, and most committed people to sign up. (Think Opus Dei.) They’ll do the rest.

Eventually, your cult needs great products from you.

This is both the starting point and the sustaining point. Apple’s cult has been willing and able to defend the company in its darkest hours, but grit and passion can only go so far. Eventually, you have to come up with the next reason to believe: the iMac, the iPod, and so on.

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The Apple Way Management Lessons : 6. Keep Your Promises (Jeffrey L Cruikshank) by Yudha Argapratama

Rangkaian Artikel yang saya posting secara berseri ini saya kutip dari Buku The Apple Way : 12 Management Lessons from the World’s Most Innovative Company karya Jeffrey L. Cruikshank. Banyak Point dan pelajaran tentang management yang bisa kita ambil dari Perusahaan paling inovatif di Dunia ini. Mari kita belajar dari Keberhasilan dan Kegagalannya. Selamat Menikmati.

In 1985, by ballyhooing Macintosh Office, Apple promised far more than it could deliver, and paid the price. Early in 2002, Apple took the unusual step of announcing—well in advance of MacWorld Tokyo, scheduled for March—that there would be no new computers introduced at the show.24 Better to give people the straight story, up front, than to let them feel that you’ve broken some sort of promise to them.

What other lessons in promise-keeping can be gleaned from this quick tour of widgets and warranties?

Here are eight:

Apple pays a higher price when it breaks its promises.

We like the story of the little engine that could. We don’t like to think that the little engine cut a corner, or lied to us, in getting up the mountain and down the other side.

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The Apple Way Management Lessons : 5. Keep Your Friends (Reasonably) Close to you (Jeffrey L Cruikshank) by Yudha Argapratama

Rangkaian Artikel yang saya posting secara berseri ini saya kutip dari Buku The Apple Way : 12 Management Lessons from the World’s Most Innovative Company karya Jeffrey L. Cruikshank. Banyak Point dan pelajaran tentang management yang bisa kita ambil dari Perusahaan paling inovatif di Dunia ini. Mari kita belajar dari Keberhasilan dan Kegagalannya. Selamat Menikmati.

The trick in dealing with vital vendors is to keep them close enough, but not too close. When it comes time to throw your 15-year-old toolbox out the window and introduce a stunning new set of tools, for example, you have to woo—and throw. Here are seven other lessons from Apple’s relations with its developers:

Is the glass half full, half empty, or both?

How you answer this question—particularly if you’re on the vendor side—may make all the difference to the Mother Ship.

The person who makes your product useful is your friend. Your good friend.

Lots of products find their niches only after their companion product arrives. The horseless carriage needed the pneumatic tire, and vice versa. So, Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone took good care of each other.

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The Apple Way Management Lessons : 4. Guard the Family Jewels (Jeffrey L Cruikshank) by Yudha Argapratama

Rangkaian Artikel yang saya posting secara berseri ini saya kutip dari Buku The Apple Way : 12 Management Lessons from the World’s Most Innovative Company karya Jeffrey L. Cruikshank. Banyak Point dan pelajaran tentang management yang bisa kita ambil dari Perusahaan paling inovatif di Dunia ini. Mari kita belajar dari Keberhasilan dan Kegagalannya. Selamat Menikmati.

So what can we learn from this story, which begins with a pain in the neck and ends with a brain transplant? At least nine things:

“Simple” may be incredibly complicated.

Going for simplicity isn’t easy. And, at least in the OS field, it may foreclose future options. It’s the trade-off that’s key.

Make a product that forces change but protects continuity.

Here’s a neat trick: Build enough planned obsolescence into your product so that people will keep coming back for more, which in

part means bringing along all their old files and folders.

Don’t wait for the other guy to surrender, especially if it’s Microsoft.

What can you do—even if you’re terminally outgunned—to hold your turf? How fast can you innovate, and in which direction?

Is today’s solution God-given, or simply force of habit?

It’s human nature: We think that what is, is what’s meant to be. But in many cases, it’s not.

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The Apple Way Management Lessons : 3. Taking Their Breath Away (Jeffrey L Cruikshank) by Yudha Argapratama

Rangkaian Artikel yang saya posting secara berseri ini saya kutip dari Buku The Apple Way : 12 Management Lessons from the World’s Most Innovative Company karya Jeffrey L. Cruikshank. Banyak Point dan pelajaran tentang management yang bisa kita ambil dari Perusahaan paling inovatif di Dunia ini. Mari kita belajar dari Keberhasilan dan Kegagalannya. Selamat Menikmati.

So what do three decades of consistently amazing industrial design teach us? At least eight things:

Form follows function. Except when it leads function, or runs alongside it.

Apple sometimes observes the time-honored maxim of form following function. And other times, including some of Apple’s biggest successes, form dictates function, or at least is a coequal.

Finding the future isn’t enough.

You also have to deliver it. Steve Jobs’s relentless perfectionism is the medium that brings the future to life. No, he’s not easy to work with, but he delivers.

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The Apple Way Management Lessons : 2. Find the Future

Rangkaian Artikel yang saya posting secara berseri ini saya kutip dari Buku The Apple Way : 12 Management Lessons from the World’s Most Innovative Company karya Jeffrey L. Cruikshank. Banyak Point dan pelajaran tentang management yang bisa kita ambil dari Perusahaan paling inovatif di Dunia ini. Mari kita belajar dari Keberhasilan dan Kegagalannya. Selamat Menikmati.

What puts Apple in a class with the other great innovators—legendary organizations like Xerox, Sony, and Bell Labs? There are at least seven lessons that Apple has learned, over time:

■ Share the vision. Make it tangible. Make it visible.
Years after the fact—after Steve Jobs was gone from Apple, and before he came back—R&D people at the company remembered the mockup of a computer that became the PowerBook: the best-selling computer ever, up to that point.

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