Rangkaian Artikel yang saya posting secara berseri ini saya kutip dari Buku The Apple Way : 12 Management Lessons from the World’s Most Innovative Company karya Jeffrey L. Cruikshank. Banyak Point dan pelajaran tentang management yang bisa kita ambil dari Perusahaan paling inovatif di Dunia ini. Mari kita belajar dari Keberhasilan dan Kegagalannya. Selamat Menikmati.
I’ll provide a shorthand summary of the managerial lessons contained therein. So, let’s look at what I’ll call Apple’s “lessons in marvels and margins”:
■ Think about your market share: Are you really BMW, and if so, is that really good enough?
Apple and its apologists like to say that going from 10 percent market share to less than 2 percent market share in a decade is OK, because the Mac is a premium product. But, is that really good enough? Taking half steps to the wall in the wrong direction is unsustainable.
The Apple Way Management Lessons : 1. Marvels and Margins
The Apple Way : 12 Management Lessons (Introduction)
Rangkaian Artikel yang saya posting secara berseri ini saya kutip dari Buku The Apple Way : 12 Management Lessons from the World’s Most Innovative Company karya Jeffrey L. Cruikshank. Banyak Point dan pelajaran tentang management yang bisa kita ambil dari Perusahaan paling inovatif di Dunia ini. Mari kita belajar dari Keberhasilan dan Kegagalannya. Selamat Menikmati.
The same company, some of the same players, and some important, enduring philosophical threads—and yet, the outcomes of the Lisa and the iPod stories couldn’t be more different.
You could conclude that the two launches had nothing in common. You could conclude that because they were separated by almost two decades, in an industry characterized by nothing so much as rapid change, that there are no lessons to be teased out of them. But you would be wrong. Over the years, Apple learned from its mistakes and changed. As The New Yorker recently put it:
Even Apple Computer—once the most imperially self-reliant of companies—has changed. Steve Jobs used to fantasize about controlling everything down to the sand in Apple’s computer chips.
Today, Apple works contentedly with companies like Motorola and Hewlett-Packard.
You can’t do it by yourself, no matter how smart you are. Markets move too quickly, technologies grow too complex, and too many smart people are investing too much time and money in innovation. And, by the way, lots of those smart people are working in teams, trying to beat you out.
Well, for Apple, this was hard-won wisdom. (Jobs doesn’t give up on his fantasies easily.) That lesson—and many more like it—are captured in the following pages. And just as important, some things about Apple “didn’t” change.
Consider the following list:
■ Be intuitive.
■ Be consistent.
■ Conform to the ways in which people actually work.
■ Have enough performance to do the jobs that need doing.
■ Provide an open software and hardware architecture.
■ Be reliable.
■ Be pleasing and fit into an everyday work environment.
Now consider the following Steve Jobs quote:
We don’t underestimate people. We really did believe that people would want something this good, that they’d see the value in it. And that rather than making a far inferior product for a hundred dollars less, giving the people the product that they want and that will serve them for years, even though it’s a little pricier. People are smart; they figure these things out
If someone asked you which of these two scraps of writing described the Lisa and which was about the iPod, there are probably enough clues to let you figure out which is which. (The bulleted list comprises the original specs for the Lisa, most likely determined by Jobs himself sometime around 1979. The Jobs quote, from 2003, refers to the iPod.) But what’s interesting is how interchangeable they are, with only a few edits.
SUKSES sama dengan fungsi dari 5K By Yudha Argapratama
Sudah banyak Buku dan Ahli yang menjelaskan Faktor-Faktor KESUKSESAN. Tidak terhitung tips, saran dan rekomendasi yang kalau dipahami dan diterapkan, pasti kita akan lebih SUKSES dalam kehidupan. Kali ini saya dan Pak Edyson Firdaus mencoba merumuskan Aspek-aspek penunjang KESUKSESAN berdasarkan temuan dan pengalaman kami selama ini. Mungkin ini bukan rumusan original yang baru sama sekali. Tetapi kami mencoba menambahkan pemahaman baru yang kami temui dan alami sendiri. Semoga bisa memperkaya pemahaman kita akan hakikat SUKSES, dan yang paling penting, maukah kita menerapkannya?
Kalau kita gunakan fungsi matematika, ternyata SUKSES =f {5K}
Apa itu 5K ?
5 K itu merupakan singkatan dari :
1. Kemauan (Will/Motivation)
2. Kelakuan (Behavior)
3. Kesempatan (Opportunity)
4. Keberuntungan (Lucky)
5. Kemampuan (Ability/Skill)
Jadi SUKSES = f{Kemauan, Kelakuan, Kesempatan, Keberuntungan,Kemampuan}
Bagaimana cara memahaminya ?
Kita lihat pembahasan berikut :
1. Kalau kita perhatikan ke lima fungsi di atas, ternyata Kemampuan (Ability/Skill ) hanya berkontribusi 1 dari 5 aspek saja alias hanya 20% dari faktor yang menunjang KESUKSESAN. Banyak orang yang berpikir, kalau saya fokus meningkatkan Kemampuan, otomatis saya akan sukses. Ternyata tidak selalu seperti itu. Hal ini menjelaskan, kenapa ada orang yang dianggap Pintar /Cerdas (alias kemampuannya Tinggi), tidak selalu sukses dalam karir maupun kehidupannya. Karena Kemampuan saja tidak cukup. Bahkan Kemampuan berada di urutan terakhir dari aspek kesuksesan. Biasanya orang cenderung lebih cepat SUKSES, setelah dia penuhi 4 Aspek di awal, dan baru kemudian Kemampuan akan dapat dengan sendirinya.
Knowing Your Manager’s Personality Style
There have been countless books and articles written on the topicof managing your boss. The main premise of all these writings is the same: If you know the personality style of your manager, you will be able to manage this person by knowing what your manager needs and wants and how your manager likes to work and communicate. If you can manage this person, you will have fewer problems with him or her.
There are four basic personality types that managers have. Some managers have a distinct personality style while others are combinations of two or three styles. Read the descriptions that follow and see if you can figure out your manager’s style. If you can, you will be more successful working with your manager.
The Monopolizers
They like to be in charge of everything. These managers are fast decision makers who stick to their decisions, are very organized, and are bottom-line oriented. They are ‘‘my way or the highway’’
types. If they were doing target practice, their saying would be ‘‘ready, fire, aim’’ (as opposed to the usual saying of ‘‘ready, aim, fire’’). If you work for monopolizers, make sure you are clear and direct with your communication, have all your facts ready, and be prepared to do what they say.
The Methodicals
They are your analytic types. These managers like to take their time gathering information and data before making a decision. They are very steady and predictable and overly concerned with accuracy. If they were doing target practice, their saying would be ‘‘aim, aim, aim.’’ They hate to make decisions and are always looking for more or different information. If you work for me- thodicals, be patient! Realize that they are trying to make the best decision based on all data. When you give your opinion or your suggestion, make sure that you have analyzed it carefully and can explain your reasoning and logic to them.
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Trainers Guide : Rules For Giving Feedback
The rules for giving feedback are as follows.
1. Timing
Feedback is at its most effective when the events being described are still fresh in the minds of both the giver and the receiver of feedback. Ideally the recipient should be aware that they will be getting feedback and there should be sufficient time to provide the feedback in an unhurried manner.
2. Establish a ‘safe’ environment
Although most descriptions of the feedback process concentrate on what is said, the environment in which the discussion takes place can have a considerable impact on the way in which the feedback is received. The environment should be one where both parties can communicate in an open, constructive and positive manner without concerns about confidentiality.
3. Be specific
The more specific the feedback, the more useful it is. The trainer should, ideally, be able to show clearly where behaviour did or did not happen, perhaps by using direct quotes or an audio-visual recording. Being specific also means being clear in what you say and avoiding generalizations such as ‘always’, ‘never’ and ‘tended to’. Similarly, using phrases such as ‘I thought you gave an excellent presentation’ can be very uplifting but doesn’t establish what specifically it was that led to this praise.
As a result, it becomes harder to replicate this high standard. Amore helpful phrase would be ‘When you made your presentation you established clear objectives, structured it well and spoke with enthusiasm.’