Posts Tagged ‘manager’


4. THE PEOPLE HAT: UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR The people hat involves gaining an understanding of human behavior. The uniqueness of people needs to be taken into account in developing plans and in making decisions that involve people. Managers very quickly find themselves in a position to make decisions that have current as well as future […]

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3 THE LEADERSHIP HAT: TAKING THE LEAD Leadership is the third component of managing. There are those who make a distinction between managing and leading. While leadership is vital, it is only one part of the management process. Leadership doesn’t work in isolation to meet organizational objectives. Keep in mind that we’re considering leadership as […]

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2. THE DIRECTION HAT: TEACHER, COACH, PROMOTER, INNOVATOR In providing direction, managers integrate knowledge, skills, attitudes, personal characteristics, and experience of the unit into an effective and efficient team. Providing direction involves managing the assigned and available resources within the limits of the organizational infrastructure. The resources include people, intellectual property, information, organizational attributes, technology, […]

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1. THE ADMINISTRATION HAT: MANAGING THE NUTS AND BOLTS Doing administrative work is generally not considered to be the most exciting role of a manager unless by chance you receive some great satisfaction from dealing with routine details. The claim that there’s not much room for creativity depends on whether you accept the status quo […]

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What is Coaching ?

Coaching is a one-on-one development process formally contracted between a coach and a management-level lient to help achieve goals related to professional development and/or business performance. Coaching typically focuses on helping the client to become more self-aware through the use of action learning methods. Some fine points about that definition should be given attention. • […]

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