Rangkaian Artikel yang saya posting secara berseri ini saya kutip dari Buku 78 Important Questions Every Leader Should Ask and Answer karya Chris Clark-Epstein. Banyak Point dan pelajaran tentang Leadership yang bisa kita ambil dari topik ini. Selamat Menikmati.

Answers, you want answers

THE GOAL of  asking questions is to get answers. Leaders ask questions to gather information, understand motivations, and uncover problems. Questions asked and answered in the workplace can uncover emotions, discover new approaches, and increase efficiency. All these desirable outcomes assume one thing—someone actually got answers to the questions they asked. You see, asking a question doesn’t guarantee an answer. Life doesn’t unfold like a TV courtroom drama. You remember the scene. The lawyer asks the guilty party a tough question. There’s a pause—a long pause. The lawyer looks at the judge; the judge bangs the gavel and sternly says to the witness, “You are instructed to answer the question.” The witness, properly admonished, takes a deep breath and confesses all. That’s the fictionalized version of how questions work.

In the real world, there is no judge to compel an answer. Getting good answers to questions is left to the skill of the questioner. There are five behaviors you need to master to increase the quality and quantity of the answers you receive :

  1. Ask one question at a time. Inexperienced questioners often fall into the trap of asking a flurry of questions all at once. Usually this happens because the questioner hasn’t thought through the question they want to ask. Listen in. “Sarah, I was wondering what issues customers have been raising lately? I mean, why is a call is escalated to you? Is that new policy we instituted last week really having a negative effect?” Poor Sarah. Which question is she supposed to answer? Bombardment happens because the questioner opened their mouth before they engaged their brain. A moment’s reflection would have helped Sarah’s leader realize that what they really wanted to know was the effect of the new policy. “Sarah, what customer reactions have you seen regarding the new policy we instituted last week?” This is a straightforward, unbiased question that Sarah could feel comfortable answering.
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The Apple Way Management Lessons : 12. Fix Your Plan (Jeffrey L Cruikshank) by Yudha Argapratama

Rangkaian Artikel yang saya posting secara berseri ini saya kutip dari Buku The Apple Way : 12 Management Lessons from the World’s Most Innovative Company karya Jeffrey L. Cruikshank. Banyak Point dan pelajaran tentang management yang bisa kita ambil dari Perusahaan paling inovatif di Dunia ini. Mari kita belajar dari Keberhasilan dan Kegagalannya. Selamat Menikmati.

Apple has had its hot strategies and its ice-cold strategies. Here are a few lessons derived from both:

Beware of creeping elegance.

This is my shorthand for, “Don’t let your products start to exaggerate themselves.” Also, don’t put

people in positions of power who are likely to endorse creeping elegance behind your back.

Beware of the Strategy of the Month.

From the viewpoint of the trenches, nothing is more exhausting or demoralizing than to have your leadership bouncing from one strategy to the next.

Pursuing multiple and internally contradictory strategies can’t work.

You can’t go both east and west at the same time.

A bloody battlefield does not a good planning process make.

Take it from Gil Amelio: If you have to lock the doors to keep your senior managers out of the planning process, you’re not going to wind up in the right place.

The friend of your product is your friend.

Cheer heartily for any development that makes the Mother Ship more secure.

Remember all those flying toasters? Nope; no Intel inside.

Businesspeople—just like other humans—see what they want to see, and hear what they want to hear. This is dangerous, from a strategic perspective.

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The Apple Way Management Lessons : The Yoffie Presciption (Jeffrey L Cruikshank) by Yudha Argapratama

Rangkaian Artikel yang saya posting secara berseri ini saya kutip dari Buku The Apple Way : 12 Management Lessons from the World’s Most Innovative Company karya Jeffrey L. Cruikshank. Banyak Point dan pelajaran tentang management yang bisa kita ambil dari Perusahaan paling inovatif di Dunia ini. Mari kita belajar dari Keberhasilan dan Kegagalannya. Selamat Menikmati.

David Yoffie, professor and strategy expert at the Harvard Business School, talks about Apple Computer with equal parts of detachment, frustration, admiration, and amusement. And he knows whereof he speaks: He was a close advisor to John Sculley in the early 1990s and was well connected in the high-tech community in general. Today, he sits on Intel’s board, so he knew sooner than most of the world that in the spring of 2005, Steve Jobs would startle the Apple community once again by embracing Intel chips for the next generation of Apple computers.

In fact, Yoffie himself had tried to broker exactly the same marriage more than a decade earlier. In his role as wise counselor, he arranged a meeting between Intel’s Andy Grove and John Sculley, hoping that a face-to-face encounter with the legendary Grove finally would force Sculley to come to terms with some harsh realities. “There is no way,” Grove told Sculley, as the grim slides rolled by, one after another, “that IBM can make the microprocessors you need. Only Intel can do that.

Look at our range of products versus theirs. Look at our volume versus theirs. It’s not even close.” Sculley was clearly shaken by Grove’s presentation, which included graphic summaries of Intel’s enormous chip volume. He promised Yoffie that he would think hard about what he had just heard.

A week later, Yoffie had dinner with a group of senior Apple managers, who—although they hadn’t been in the room with Sculley and Grove—had since seen a version of Grove’s presentation. “Intel must be selling a lot of microprocessors into toasters,” one of the managers said offhandedly.

Yoffie was puzzled. “What do you mean?”

“Well,” responded the manager, “God forbid that they’re selling them all into computers! If they were, well, that would be bad news for us!”

But of course all (or almost all) of those microprocessors were going into computers— millions and millions of Wintel computers— and Apple was already en route to its marginal position in the PC industry.

Which leads us to the first of six strategic lessons that Yoffie draws from the long and turbulent saga of Apple Computer:

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The Apple Way Management Lessons : 10. Flog The Bad Guys (Jeffrey L Cruikshank) by Yudha Argapratama

Rangkaian Artikel yang saya posting secara berseri ini saya kutip dari Buku The Apple Way : 12 Management Lessons from the World’s Most Innovative Company karya Jeffrey L. Cruikshank. Banyak Point dan pelajaran tentang management yang bisa kita ambil dari Perusahaan paling inovatif di Dunia ini. Mari kita belajar dari Keberhasilan dan Kegagalannya. Selamat Menikmati.

There were other bad guys in Apple’s past—notably Intel, the chipmaker that Apple loved to hate, but has recently embraced with a vengeance. For now, let’s pull together and summarize the lessons about flogging bad guys:

Flog the bad guys.

Why has Apple cultivated the notion that there are dark forces lurking out there in the world, against whom the company (and its supporters) must struggle? Easy: To reinforce the

cult, to create interesting dynamics and good story lines in advertising campaigns, and—it must be said—to obscure the fact that many of the company’s problems are of its own making.

Sometimes that’s a good strategy. Sometimes it’s not.

When flogging the bad guys, combine humor and terror.

In other words, make people laugh even as you’re making them nervous. (What if I woke up one morning, and my Mac was gone, and I was staring at a C-prompt on an old DOS machine?) It’s an effective combination, like hot-and-sour soup.

Don’t burn that last bridge.

Remember: The enemy of your enemy is your friend. If there’s some chance that some day you’ll

have to climb into bed with IBM, it’s best to flog IBM judiciously.

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Organizational Breakthrough with Integrated Change Management Part 5- End by Yudha Argapratama

Posting  ini merupakan bagian dari tulisan saat mengikuti Indonesia Future HR Leader 2014 yang diselenggarakan Majalah SWA. Alhamdulillah bisa jadi finalis. Topiknya : TEROBOSAN ORGANISASI DENGAN MANAJEMEN PERUBAHAN TERINTEGRASI DAN PERAN HR DALAM PROSESNYA (Organizational  Breakthrough with Integrated Change Management and The Roles of HR in the processes). Tulisan akan diposting secara bertahap. semoga bermanfaat.

D. Peran dan langkah-langkah HR agar Organizational Breakthrough bisa terwujud

Lalu bagaimana peran HR dalam manajemen perubahan terintegrasi tersebut ?

HR memiliki peran yang sangat strategis dalam proses manajemen perubahan tersebut.  Peran HR untuk terlibat secara aktif  dalam proses pemetaan organisasi (Organizational Mapping) baik dalam aspek pemetaan orang ( People Mapping), pemetaan sistem dan proses  (System & Process Mapping) dan juga pemetaan peran kepemimpinan (Leadership Mapping) dan serta progress review dari keseluruhan proses manajemen perubahan (change management) itu sendiri.

Proses pengembangan dengan konsep Winning Development yang dibangun dari tiga penyangga yang membentuk piramida. Penyangga tersebut yaitu people excellent , system & process excellent yang pada akhirnya menumbuhkan budaya (culture) pemenang di dalam organisasi.

Selanjutnya HR juga berperan penting dalam memfasilitasi terbentuknya winning team di setiap level organisasi mulai Managerial Level, Supervisory Level sampai Frontline Level. Setiap level organisasi memiliki peran yang berbeda sehingga putaran roda organisasi bisa menjadi dinamis, kuat dan resilien. Peran dari setiap level Organisasi tergambar dalam framework berikut ini :

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Organizational Breakthrough with Integrated Change Management Part 4 by Yudha Argapratama

Posting  ini merupakan bagian dari tulisan saat mengikuti Indonesia Future HR Leader 2014 yang diselenggarakan Majalah SWA. Alhamdulillah bisa jadi finalis. Topiknya : TEROBOSAN ORGANISASI DENGAN MANAJEMEN PERUBAHAN TERINTEGRASI DAN PERAN HR DALAM PROSESNYA (Organizational  Breakthrough with Integrated Change Management and The Roles of HR in the processes). Tulisan akan diposting secara bertahap. semoga bermanfaat.

2. Business Process

Business process setiap bidang industri memiliki alur yang berbeda – beda. Namun apabila disederhanakan business process dalam organisasi dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut :

Proses mulai dari Sales & Marketing, Resource Planning & Supply Chain, Operation process, Quality & After Sales Services ditujukan untuk pencapaian Customer Delight. Semua proses tersebut didukung dengan Financial Control dan Human Resource Support di setiap prosesnya. Untuk mencapai sasaran Lean Company, perlu dilakukan business process mapping dan menemukan metode atau tools yang sesuai (seperti CRM, ERP, Lean Operation, dll. ) agar efisiensi dan efektifitas di keseluruhan proses bisa tercapai.

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