Use this checklist and list of questions when developing written surveys:

1. Write your objective for the assessment.

2. Decide what will be done with the results of the assessment.

3. Decide who will interpret the data, report data, and so forth.

4. Decide who you will survey (level or levels of employees, customers, etc.)

5. Gather preliminary information

6. Identify issues to assess and sequence issues.

7. Decide the focus of the assessment.

• Skill test

• Attitude survey, values clarification

• Problem identification

• Preference, interest, opinion

• Self-perception, perception of others

8. Decide on question format that ensures ease of answering the survey

• Multiple choice

• Continuum

• Rating

• Ranking

9. Write clear and simple instructions for completing the survey.

10. Write and sequence questions.

11. Check the reliability of a questionnaire by administering it at different times under the same conditions. If you obtain the same results from multiple administrations, the questions are reliable.

12. Check validity of the content. Do your questions measure conditions that meet the objectives of the assessment?

13. Write a cover letter from an executive.

14. In scoring, look for trends and patterns in behavior, attitudes, or values. Exact measures and percentages are rarely meaningful.

Source : Jean Barbazette. Training Needs Assessments. 2006

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